Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Social computing and the Information Professional

Elizabeth Lane Lawley

a.k.a. Girls just want to have fun ...aka all work and no play makes jack a dull boy... aka all the world's a game and all the men and women merely players

many2many (women in technology)
terra nova

Games and the online community phenomenon is shaping communications

Levi - on world of warcraft in newsweek.

Liz fell deep into the rabbit hole of world of warcraft

Game of OOF! - played o'reilly foo camp
reverse scavenger hunt.
your team is told to go gather 10 items
then you get the list of the things you're supposed to find
and justify how the ten things match what is on the list.
pictures on flickr

games are a powerful way to establishing an emotional connection to people and places

2 werewolves
1 seer
rest villagers

Games - what are they?
many vague definitions
but ...
there are rules and guidelines
all towards a goal
there are incentives and prizes

people will do amazing things for prizes

(so, what about the people who don't get caught up in it? - are they social misfits?)

Cruel 2 B kind
a nice gesture will kill someone off in a public space

tombstone hold 'em poker
using tombstones in cemetary and teams try to get highest hand

Steven Johnson (?)

how can games be imbedded into day to day basics

things that give great hope:
Fletcher Library Game Project
Bibliographic Gaming
Gaming in Libraries
MacArthur Foundation is giving great attention to gaming

If you can't understand what's going on in the first 5 minutes IT is broken, not the User.


Blogger John Jordan said...

Thank's for information!!
bermuda triangle essay

1:43 AM  

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